All entries by this author

“Fool Proof,” by David Riessen

Feb 21st, 2024 | By

I walk around the parking lot until I find a plastic shopping bag with the Two Guys Department Store name and logo printed on it. Two Guys sells discount clothes, fake wood furniture, and all sorts of crap – but most important to me, record albums. My dad bought me a compact stereo system as a graduation present ($149 wholesale from a family friend), but I owned no music. So I devised an ingenious plan: The Town of Tonawanda Two Guys Record Heist. It might be relevant to point out that I have plenty of money to buy, rather than steal, records. So why do I do it? Because it’s easy and exciting. And oh yeah, also because I’m an idiot.

“Drone Delivery,” by David Quinby

Feb 18th, 2024 | By

For your Sunday enjoyment… a comic!

“Doctors Are Shocked at What They Find in Woman’s Esophagus,” by Andrea Goyan

Feb 14th, 2024 | By

Jill’s life took a hard left turn the day she was admitted to the hospital for a relatively minor procedure. Lying on a gurney in pre-op, she didn’t know her world was about to turn upside down. Forever.

“Welcome to,” by Peter Gregg Slater

Feb 7th, 2024 | By

Adrienne Dalton
At 10:30 this morning, a man walking along Chestnut Drive stopped and stared at my house for a full three minutes. A little later, he came from the other direction and did it again. He’s definitely foreign, probably Canadian. Should I be concerned?

“Poison Dart Frog,” by Herbie Roach

Feb 4th, 2024 | By

For your Sunday amusement… a comic!