Posts Tagged ‘ Nonfiction ’

“A Recipe in Eleven Easy Steps,” by Linda Sanchez

Jan 22nd, 2025 | By

When making a curry dish, I usually start with red curry paste and a can of coconut milk and build the flavors from there. The other day at Trader Joe’s, I saw a mob gathered around a display of yellow curry simmer sauce. People were grabbing jars like they were puppies during a pandemic. So, I said to myself, don’t be such a snob, just try it.

Here’s the recipe I came up with. I think you’ll like this dish; it’s as tasty as its name is alliterative.

“Shenandoah Campsite: May I Never See You Again,” by Julia Wilson

Jan 15th, 2025 | By

Both my parents grew up in the Depression and carried all the baggage of frugality that went along with that. If you’re my age and grew up in the U.S. you’re probably also familiar with reused plastic bags from bread loafs drying by the sink, getting ready to be packed with lunches and then brought back and washed and reused again. The twist ties were saved in the cutlery drawer. My father would pick up usable nails if he saw them on the street and bring them back to his workbench. My mother, beaming, would present us with a penny she had found on a dog walk. “You can put it in your piggy bank!”

“The Evolution of Vegan Cheese,” by Raya Yarbrough

Jan 8th, 2025 | By

I feel the need to tell you about my elementary school lunches.

Because I was talking to my friend today, about the evolution of vegan cheese, and alternative meat substances, because we were in Downward Dog, and all the blood was rushing to our heads.

This is a very West Los Angeles situation I’m describing.

“User Manual for a Dustpan,” Zach Keali’i Murphy

Jan 1st, 2025 | By

Step-by-Step Instructions:

A. Remove from packaging. Chances are you can skip this step. Dustpans are one of those special objects that are not bound by packaging. They come as they are. So you can skip to step B.

“The Pros and Cons of Mountains,” by Daniel Hudon

Dec 18th, 2024 | By

Pro: They look pretty from certain angles.
Con: No one can agree on which angles.