All entries by this author

“Bringing the Hells Angels into a New Era,” by Max Kesselheim

Feb 12th, 2025 | By

Hello, Hells Angels. I know it must be a surprise to see me up here—after all, most of you know me as Demon’s Claw, your New Initiate. But in reality, my name is Chet, and I’m a McKinsey Associate. Your president hired me last month to conduct a full review of the club and identify strategies for modernizing it, so I went undercover. I imagine some of you questioned why the new guy who couldn’t shoot a gun—or even ride a motorcycle—was trying to join Hells Angels, but I hope I won you over with my deep knowledge of the history of this organization and a seemingly endless supply of vulgar T-shirts.

“Why I Attached an ICBM to My Knockoff Roomba,” by Dan Dellechiaie and Hameed Mourani

Feb 9th, 2025 | By

As a renter, you can either surrender to the vermin that eat all your Chips Ahoy but don’t pay their fair share of rent or you can blow them off the face of the fucking earth. When the sticky traps suck ass and the snap traps don’t clap, I opt for the war criminal’s favorite initialism: ICBM.

“Thanks to Quiet Quitting, I’m Poised to Win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry,” by Tobi Pledger

Feb 5th, 2025 | By

Right after I quiet quit last year, I was like, “Yes! I showed you, Oppressive Chemistry Lab Overlords.” But then I was like, “Shit, this is boring,” so I got to work coming up with ways to fill that time. Who knew work actually made time go by faster?

“Organic Milk Is Over: Fund the Arts!” by Michael Don

Jan 29th, 2025 | By

As adjunct professors in philosophy and Latin American Studies, we try to eat as healthy as possible in an effort to avoid relying on our so-called healthcare (healthscare?) plan—a lifestyle choice that involves the regular purchase of various unaffordable items such as organic milk. Last month our world was rocked when we heard a segment on NPR about how most organic milk is just a drop better than conventional milk. We made the switch back to conventional milk, and though we found ourselves missing the organic label and the way it made us feel, we also found ourselves with an extra $7 a month.

“A Recipe in Eleven Easy Steps,” by Linda Sanchez

Jan 22nd, 2025 | By

When making a curry dish, I usually start with red curry paste and a can of coconut milk and build the flavors from there. The other day at Trader Joe’s, I saw a mob gathered around a display of yellow curry simmer sauce. People were grabbing jars like they were puppies during a pandemic. So, I said to myself, don’t be such a snob, just try it.

Here’s the recipe I came up with. I think you’ll like this dish; it’s as tasty as its name is alliterative.