
“Doctors Are Shocked at What They Find in Woman’s Esophagus,” by Andrea Goyan

Feb 14th, 2024 | By

Jill’s life took a hard left turn the day she was admitted to the hospital for a relatively minor procedure. Lying on a gurney in pre-op, she didn’t know her world was about to turn upside down. Forever.

“Welcome to,” by Peter Gregg Slater

Feb 7th, 2024 | By

Adrienne Dalton
At 10:30 this morning, a man walking along Chestnut Drive stopped and stared at my house for a full three minutes. A little later, he came from the other direction and did it again. He’s definitely foreign, probably Canadian. Should I be concerned?

“In Remembrance Of My Au Pair, The Poltergeist,” by Katherine Shaw and Cassie Soliday

Jan 31st, 2024 | By

At the tender age of six, Mother introduced me to her Poltergeist. I was confused when she described it as a dark energy, but then she said, “Think of it as an au pair!” and I understood that an invisible French caretaker (who probably wore a beret) had joined our little family.

“Strange Role, Strange Brew,” by Allan Bonner

Jan 24th, 2024 | By

2023 was the fortieth anniversary of my roles in the Bob and Doug McKenzie movie Strange Brew. These were two of the most difficult roles in motion picture history. It’s time the real story was told.

“I’m Totoro, and this is my self-acceptance journey,” by Kara Panzer

Jan 17th, 2024 | By

You may know me from the 1988 Japanese animated fantasy film of which I was the title star, but what you don’t know is what came after my rise to fame. It’s not easy being a beloved hero of a cult classic children’s movie. While you look at that movie and see a cute and fluffy forest spirit, I see someone who was struggling deeply inside.