Archive for June 2011

“Got a Tick on my Dick,” by Mike Romeling

Jun 19th, 2011 | By

This is our first video submission. Check out this link to watch Mike Romeling perform “Got a Tick on my Dick” for you, the Defenestration audience. Once you watch it a few times, feel free to sing along. Complete lyrics are provided below.

Man of the Hunt

Jun 17th, 2011 | By

I’ve read that fruits and vegetables that you’ve grown yourself, and that meat you’ve killed yourself, taste better than what you buy at the store. I don’t know if that’s true or not, because I can’t get anything to grown in my garden except rose bushes and weeds, and after one night of thorn-and-dandelion casserole, I knew I’d have to stick to the local grocery store for all my eating needs.

“Iz Teh Kriteek uv Teh Pure Reasonz – by LOLkant,” by Jeffrey Gross

Jun 15th, 2011 | By

U iz teh subject. So u iz see. U iz hear. And teh other sensez. U iz kno. But hau u iz kno u kno? U iz not kno u kno! Until nau. Cuz I iz tell u hau u kno. I iz teh big flossafer Immanual Kant, and I can haz knowledge. Also: German. I iz never hav teh hawt secks like Descartes (cuz he iz teh French), but I iz hav somethin better: teh theory uv hau thru teh categoriez uv teh understandin, and without recourse 2 teh noumenal, teh mind can apprehend sensory manifoldz, thus makin possible teh scientific knowledge. Meanz teh objectivity, teh physicz. But not teh metaphysicz – noez, u iz not hav! Y? Teh dialecticz, LDO![1] U iz get? OK, I iz make Kriteek 4 splain 2 u. U iz listen nau.

When All Else Fails, Resort To Beating

Jun 13th, 2011 | By

An important thing for children today is establishing their social standing amongst the roving tribes of feral children. Now, in watching various nature programs on NatGeo, this is generally accomplished by overthrowing the Alpha male/female, which is usually determined via some sort of violent altercation which, at minimum, ends with some type of horrible disfigurement.

[continue reading…]

Yet Another Comic by Vincent Davis

Jun 12th, 2011 | By

For your Sunday amusement… a comic!