“Iz Teh Kriteek uv Teh Pure Reasonz – by LOLkant,” by Jeffrey Gross
Jun 15th, 2011 | By DefenestrationU iz teh subject. So u iz see. U iz hear. And teh other sensez. U iz kno. But hau u iz kno u kno? U iz not kno u kno! Until nau. Cuz I iz tell u hau u kno. I iz teh big flossafer Immanual Kant, and I can haz knowledge. Also: German. I iz never hav teh hawt secks like Descartes (cuz he iz teh French), but I iz hav somethin better: teh theory uv hau thru teh categoriez uv teh understandin, and without recourse 2 teh noumenal, teh mind can apprehend sensory manifoldz, thus makin possible teh scientific knowledge. Meanz teh objectivity, teh physicz. But not teh metaphysicz – noez, u iz not hav! Y? Teh dialecticz, LDO![1] U iz get? OK, I iz make Kriteek 4 splain 2 u. U iz listen nau.