Posts Tagged ‘ Editorials ’

Defenestration: May 2009

May 20th, 2009 | By

Welcome to the May 2009 issue of Defenestration! I was hoping to write something clever this month, but I’m fresh out of clever. I checked the back of the pantry and everything. Nothing there. So next month is technically summer, and I’m hoping (hoping!) that we can get the first fantasy-themed issue prepared by then.

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Defenestration: April 2009

Apr 20th, 2009 | By

Here it is: the April 2009 issue of Defenestration. I don’t know where the hell that last month has gone. I tried looking under all the beds, but it wasn’t there. It was a short search, though, because we only have two beds. You know what I did find? Elm Tree’s secret magazine collection. Don’t

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Defenestration: March 2009

Mar 20th, 2009 | By

Welcome to the March 2009 issue of Defenestration! As hinted at last month, some of our future issues will be themed. The Defenestration crew, editors included, are all readers and writers of fantasy and science fiction (or if you’re into that more academic, monocle-wearing sort of title, “speculative fiction”). Since we like it so much,

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Defenestration: February 2009

Feb 20th, 2009 | By

Welcome back. The February 2009 issue of Defenestration has arrived! February is that sad time of the year when all the snowmen we hired back in December go back to their temp agency. Many of them lost weight in the past couple of months. Some of them left a little yellower than the day they

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Defenestration: January 2009

Jan 20th, 2009 | By

Well, it’s a new year, and a new Defenestration. Welcome to the January 2009 issue!I’m all alone at Defenestration HQ. Everyone’s at the presidential inauguration. I don’t get to go because someone thought it would be funny if they chained me to a radiator with a pair of handcuffs from an adult novelty shop. I

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