Posts Tagged ‘ Editorial VI.V ’

Defenestration: March 2009

Mar 20th, 2009 | By

Welcome to the March 2009 issue of Defenestration! As hinted at last month, some of our future issues will be themed. The Defenestration crew, editors included, are all readers and writers of fantasy and science fiction (or if you’re into that more academic, monocle-wearing sort of title, “speculative fiction”). Since we like it so much,

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Defenestration: February 2008

Feb 20th, 2008 | By

Welcome to the hallowed pages of Defenestration‘s February 1008 issue. It’s coming people. A few days from now, February 29th, that great cosmic miscalculation, will rear its ugly head. How can you, the concerned citizen of the world, prevent the disasters that are sure to follow in the wake of this day that doesn’t really

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