Welcome to the March 2009 issue of Defenestration!
As hinted at last month, some of our future issues will be themed. The Defenestration crew, editors included, are all readers and writers of fantasy and science fiction (or if you’re into that more academic, monocle-wearing sort of title, “speculative fiction”). Since we like it so much, we’re going to put our Tyrant Hats on and gear several issues toward those genres. The humorous side of those genres.
This summer will feature fantasy. This winter will feature science fiction. How many issues depends on the quality of the submissions. If we get enough good fantasy, for example, we could easily fill June, July, and August. Or we might only use one of those months.
All sub-genres welcome: high fantasy, urban fantasy, sword-and-sorcery, tea-and-biscuits, steampunk, hard sci-fi, soft sci-fi, flaccid sci-fi. The gamut. Take your pick. Just make sure it’s funny, because we’re still a humor magazine, after all.
Two important notes:
-These themes include non-fiction, poetry, and visuals! Don’t think that we only want fiction for these special issues. If you want to rant about Terry Brooks, or write a poem about robots, or draw a cartoon involving a dragon, then we want to see that, too.
-WE WILL STILL BE ACCEPTING NORMAL SUBMISSIONS! We have non-themed issues this year, too!
Anyway, for this month’s issue, we have short stories by David Susman, Howie Good, Nick Allen, and John Frank Weaver; non-fiction by Andrei Trostel; and poetry by Alex Galper, Michael Estabrook, and Peycho Kanev. Enjoy!
—Andrew Kaye, editor-in-chief