Welcome to the December 2008 issue of Defenestration! This is the last issue of Defenestration you’ll see before you a.) gorge yourself on holiday foodstuffs and b.) vomit yourself back to your old weight after drinking too much at your cousin’s New Year’s Eve party.
Bigfoot enjoyed writing last month’s editorial, but today he’s outside shoveling the snow in the parking lot. Normally a little snow doesn’t bother us much-in fact our annual Lewd Snowman Competition has depended upon it-but this year we decided to axe the snowman thing (Eileen always wins) and replace it with the first annual Defenestration Forklift Demolition Derby. It immediately follows this year’s holiday party, meaning it’ll be well past midnight, the parking lot will be icy, and most of the employees will be full of Christmas Spirit(s). It should be interesting.
Anyway, this month we have five pieces of prose and one poem for your enjoyment.
Have a safe holiday season. We’ll see you again in the New Year!
—Andrew, Editor-in-Chief