Posts Tagged ‘ Editorial VI.II ’

Defenestration: November 2009

Nov 20th, 2009 | By

Welcome to the November 2009 issue of Defenestration! This month is special for several reasons. First, it’s our birthday*! Defenestration is officially six years old. We’re starting to feel it in our joints, but modern medicine and cybernetics will keep us going for a long time. Second, this month is our first science fiction issue.

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Defenestration: December 2008

Dec 20th, 2008 | By

Welcome to the December 2008 issue of Defenestration! This is the last issue of Defenestration you’ll see before you a.) gorge yourself on holiday foodstuffs and b.) vomit yourself back to your old weight after drinking too much at your cousin’s New Year’s Eve party. Bigfoot enjoyed writing last month’s editorial, but today he’s outside

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Defenestration: January 2008

Jan 20th, 2008 | By

You can’t stop the Defenestration train once it starts moving. You need to either jump on board or get the hell out of the way. The January 2008 issue is here, and it’s already taken out fifteen cows! January is that time of the year where we get to hear about all the movies that

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