Posts Tagged ‘ VI.III ’

Defenestration: January 2009

Jan 20th, 2009 | By

Well, it’s a new year, and a new Defenestration. Welcome to the January 2009 issue!I’m all alone at Defenestration HQ. Everyone’s at the presidential inauguration. I don’t get to go because someone thought it would be funny if they chained me to a radiator with a pair of handcuffs from an adult novelty shop. I

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“Interview with The Bad Odor Collector, Randy Stargas, by Larry Quest,” presented by Jeff Crouch and Christopher Woods

Jan 20th, 2009 | By

Q. Is it true that you have made a living ferreting out bad smells? How does one get such a job? A. Are you trying to insult me? Do you think I make a living from my odorous work, my holy cause? Let me tell you something. All that I have done in the odor

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“The Very Impressive Amulet of Great Significance,” by Stephanie Kraner

Jan 20th, 2009 | By

Two mighty opponents glared at each other on the field of battle. One of them had a stomachache. “I don’t care if the stars realigned themselves to spell out her name,” the dragon roared, wishing he hadn’t eaten the other traveler he’d come across that morning. “I saw her first!” “My uncle’s pumpkin patch you

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“Highlights from the Sharing Circle at the KnickKnack Toy Co. Staff Retreat,” by Micah Cratty

Jan 20th, 2009 | By

Thomas Huntington, CEO, broke into tears and said that despite the long hours he worked he truly loves his fiancée, Victoria, and will try to balance his work and home life better in the future. The marketing department then started singing “Thomas and Victoria sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Charlotte Figueroa, Northwestern Director of Product

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“Hector & Kevin & Sheila,” by Eirik Gumeny

Jan 20th, 2009 | By

Hector Van Ort lived in a pumpkin. It was a very nice pumpkin, very orange. At one point, it had actually been made of pumpkin, but then it got warm and the pumpkin got unpleasant and Hector had it reinforced with matchsticks and tinder. That worked about as well as one would expect, really. Thankfully

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