Posts Tagged ‘ Micah Cratty ’

“A Completely Voluntary Letter of Recommendation for Robot Model TX-9,” by Micah Cratty

Apr 20th, 2010 | By

Dear Mr. Harpman:

Please consider this my sincere, and completely voluntary, letter of recommendation for Robot Model TX-9, regarding its application for the position of floor manager at Kosmotronics’ Planet Mars Fabrication Facility. Let me once again assure you that this letter is written of my own volition, and I am currently in no danger of being incinerated or reduced to a puddle of denatured proteins by TX-9. TX-9, however, could as easily do that to a man as a ground squirrel if it is a qualification you desire. Really, it would be no trouble at all.

“Highlights from the Sharing Circle at the KnickKnack Toy Co. Staff Retreat,” by Micah Cratty

Jan 20th, 2009 | By

Thomas Huntington, CEO, broke into tears and said that despite the long hours he worked he truly loves his fiancée, Victoria, and will try to balance his work and home life better in the future. The marketing department then started singing “Thomas and Victoria sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Charlotte Figueroa, Northwestern Director of Product

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