Archive for March 2017

Party in the DNA

Mar 17th, 2017 | By

I don’t even know why Ben would ask Winslow this kind of question. Of course Winslow’s ready for the party. He’s ready for every party. He’s had lots of practice partying with attractive women and famous celebrities. I would have mentioned some of those celebrities, but the last time I did that one of the celebrities died a week and a half later. Seriously. (Sorry, Meshach Taylor.)

“Period Piece,” by Liz Sheehan

Mar 15th, 2017 | By

I used to have a difficult period. In my teens it would come upon me unannounced at 38 days or 43 days, whenever my uterus decided to get busy. By my early twenties, things had pretty much settled down and my period had become just another small nuisance to be taken care of. Most important was making sure that I was prepared for it. Not being prepared for it on one occasion had led to my crowning moment of street attitude, followed shortly by my crowning moment of street humiliation.

Ben & Winslow: Time Gentlemen

Mar 10th, 2017 | By

Here’s another “movie preview” comic for your enjoyment. Ben & Winslow Studios has been producing quality entertainment for the silver screen for years, starting with the horror classic Cartoon Zombie Freakout in 2009. Following its overwhelming commercial success both domestically and overseas, Ben & Winslow studios produced a number of other notable films: Ninja Apocalypse Fandango (2010); Bikini Robot A-Go-Go! (2011); Giant Radioactive Kaiju Sandwich Armageddon (2013); and Epic, Vaguely Medieval Showdown (2014). After a 2-year hiatus, the studio has returned with this sci-fi action adventure, proving that you haven’t really run out of ideas until you’ve done a story about time travel.

“Waiting for Bukowski: On the Trail of Dustin Rohmer,” by Oliver Cuenca

Mar 8th, 2017 | By

In 1968, Waiting for Bukowski was released to extreme critical and popular acclaim. The film followed the life of one Chuck B. Bukowski, a fire hydrant from Brooklyn, New York, and the woman he loved.

Failure to Diagnose

Mar 3rd, 2017 | By

Normally Winslow would ask Little Winslow for medical advice, but since Dr. Spiderqueen is Ben’s doctor and Ben seems to be the one dying this week, Winslow felt it was only appropriate to stick with the physician that has the appropriate medical files on hand instead of a drawer filled with printed photographs of things he found when sneaking into the offices of legitimate doctors after hours. Or something.