Archive for October 2013

I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This Costume

Oct 30th, 2013 | By

Well, Defenestration might not have any poetry or prose to publish until 2014, but that’s not going to stop me from filling every crevice in this respected Internet publication with lots of comic-y goodness. Technically Friday is my day, but I drew this the other night and wanted to share before Halloween. Because that’s how I roll!

Aliens Among Us and Inside Us and All Around Us

Oct 25th, 2013 | By

One word: Alien.

“How I Want to Die,” by Alex Rosenfeld

Oct 23rd, 2013 | By

I die at seventeen, because I’m currently twenty-one, so dying at seventeen would make me either invincible or the proud owner of a time machine. I’ll go with the latter.

I buy my time machine at forty-four, because you could call predicting a type of four-shadowing. Since I’m smart enough to make that clever little play on words, I’m smart enough to know I won’t be inventing a time machine any time soon.

Evil Incarnage

Oct 18th, 2013 | By

Evil people are everywhere. Lucky for me and you, Winslow can detect evil using scientifically disproven mental powers known among experts as “lighting bolt exclamation points.” Winslow knows if you’ve been possessed by a demon or a ghost, and can even tell if your body is being used as a crude meat puppet for a vengeful Elder God. Or he could just be guessing. I don’t know, I’m an artist not a scientist, leave me alone!

“Every Newborn’s Pre-Installed Boot Software,” By Scott Eckert

Oct 16th, 2013 | By

IF ( stomach = empty )

THEN ( run action: cry )

IF ( stomach = full )

THEN ( run action: poop )