Archive for October 2013

A Dinner with Dragons

Oct 11th, 2013 | By

WARNING: This image is mildly NSFW.
I have no idea why any human being would send Ben and Winslow to go grocery shopping for them. They can’t go to their own grocery store, because all the food would be too small. But at the human grocery store, everything is way too big for them to manage. (Or to be more specific, carry. Winslow can manage the stuff just fine. He’ll eat anything.) The only reason Winslow likes going is because he’s the perfect size to sit in the cart like a toddler.

“Indie Film or Brooklyn Cocktail?” by Linda Lacina

Oct 9th, 2013 | By

1. Friend of the Devil
2. The Trespasser
3. The Rabbit in the Moon

Gutsy Procedure

Oct 4th, 2013 | By

Warning: This comic contains a pun, or play on words. If you are in any way offended by puns (perhaps a family member was killed by a loaded pun, or perhaps you’re a member of an anti-pun religious sect, or perhaps you’re just weird), then I suggest you refrain from reading this comic. If you already read this comic and are offended by it, please send any and all hate mail to Eileen at. She had nothing to do with today’s strip, but she has a lot of experience with hate mail and knows exactly what to do with it.

“How Fly Fishing Brings One Close to State Magazines; or Mimicking Prey,” by Kurt Fryklund

Oct 2nd, 2013 | By

I have been informed by Orvis and that fly fishing brings one close to nature. I can see how standing in the middle of a stream would do that. Clearly Orvis and have in mind a proximity that is more than just physical. Unfortunately, they do not specify. Orvis, however, claims that fly fishing facilitates this proximity by requiring one to mimic prey, whereas cites fly fishing’s requirements for skill and grace. Curious as to where fly fishing might deliver one, I decided to do some research.