Archive for December 2012

“From East to West: a Christmas Story,” by Natasha Moni

Dec 12th, 2012 | By

Day 1: My Brother is Pelting Me with Hershey’s Kisses

Each festive chocolate pulled from the candy dish is swung over the living room planter en route for my head, trunk, or at least a limb. With the older sibling advantage, his aim is precise. For years he has practiced his technique, has mastered the maneuver of recon, sweeping up each fallen missile to prevent a return attack. One eye on the target, one eye scanning the carpet. His arms and legs, a unified machine with one purpose: to annoy.

The Unexpected Proposal

Dec 7th, 2012 | By

Just in time for The Hobbit… here’s a comic strip that mentions a character from that novel. HA!

We’re getting close to the end of the year (and maybe the end of the world), and what better way to wrap thing up than with a wedding that’s never going to happen!

“Examination for an Interior Design License,” by Barton Aronson

Dec 5th, 2012 | By

You have one hour to complete the following exam.

1. Your best friend asks what you think of her new yellow couch. Which of the following is not an appropriate response?

A) Pointing out that, as a licensed interior designer, you can’t comment until you receive a retainer.
B) Pointing out that the color is “goldenrod,” not yellow.
C) Pointing out that the piece is a “sofa,” not a couch.
D) Pointing out that it is late, and you must be going.