Welcome to the April 2011 issue of Defenestration!
You could call this the “Five by Five” issue. That’s not a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reference, but it could be, because back then vampires were cool. No, it refers to the layout for this issue. This time around, we’ve published the work of five short story writers and five poets. If symmetry delights you, then the table of contents alone will be enough to entertain you for hours.
Of course, there’s more to this issue than its table of contents (which is pretty great). We have monkeys and sex and Andy Garcia. We also have a story about a ham sandwich—I daresay it’s the greatest story about a ham sandwich that’s ever been published. And that’s only scratching the surface. This issue features a lot of new faces and a couple of familiar ones. I hope you like it as much as Bigfoot does.
Side note: I love getting author photos from our contributors. It doesn’t always work out—some people want to remain anonymous, or they’re shy, or they’re invisible, or they’re from Mars and therefore can’t be registered on the primitive recording devices of Earth. But the photos we do receive are great. I love being able to match a face to a byline, even if 1) the byline is fake; 2) the photo is fake; or 3) both are fake.
Anyway, that’s all for now. I’m opening the floodgates. Defenestration is now open to short story and poetry submissions. We’re reading for our August 2011 issue. Send us your best.
—Andrew Kaye, Editor-in-Chief
Table of Contents
Adam Gianforcaro, “An Honest Love Poem”
Jim Bennett, “The Secret of Andy’s Success”
Jennifer Clark, “Scrotum Humanum”
Short Stories:
Andy Glasser, “Want Monkey Wants”
Nelson Lloyd, “The Untold History of Ham Sandwich’s First Rival”
Shelley Ontis, “She Wanted a Romance on Classics Night, but it was His Turn”
Alex Koplow, “Two Hundred You”
Matt Rowan, “Freedom is Expensive as Shit”
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