I hear these pop stars
are falling in love,
stumbling blind for
chic gowns
and ballroom brides,
some martini women
falling for Daddy’s timeshare
in Guatemala.
They hear the same love
songs on the radio that I hear.
Fine acoustics
and a fragile voice
drawing in teens, their
windows down, smoking
and spraying perfume.
I don’t listen. All of the
I’m-in-love bullshit.
I believe more ballads need to be
written about burritos.
Now that, my friend,
is relatable.
Adam Gianforcaro is the Social Media Director for Philadelphia Stories. He recently graduated from Rowan University summa cum laude with a BA in Writing Arts. His poems and short stories have been published or accepted for future publication in 50-Word Stories, Battered Suitcase, Short Fast Deadly, and The Stray Branch. He lives in New Jersey.