“Scrotum Humanum,” by Jennifer Clark

Apr 20th, 2011 | By | Category: Poetry

In 1676, because
he did not doubt
the greatness of
man, Robert Plot

mistook that which
remained—the knee
end of a thigh bone
of Megalosaurus—for

fossilized balls
that once swayed
between steely thighs
of giant man. Perhaps

he doubted the wisdom
of a God who would create
massive creatures only to
allow them to disappear,

chose, instead, to hunker
beneath the shadow of a
God who shrunk the
thundering balls of man.

Jennifer Clark’s poem “Breakfast Mourning” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2009. Her work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Editions Bibliotekos, All Poetry is Prayer, Raven Chronicles, Dogs Singing (Salmon Press) and Astropoetica. A hardcore landliner, she does not own a cell phone or i-phone pad or whatever it is called these days.

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