Archive for July 2010

There’s An App For That

Jul 30th, 2010 | By

It is a pune, or play on words.

As the World Falls Down: ComicCon 2010

Jul 29th, 2010 | By

My name is FAELUVER, but you can also call me [Redacted]. I write fan fiction, and am famous for writing the best Labyrinth fanfiction evahhhhh!!!!* Supposedly, Defenestration has found me so aspiring that they hired me to instruct you all on the wonderful world of fandom! This is going to be so feyzerbeam u guyz!!!

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“Free-Market Jesus is King and CEO,” by Nicholas Ozment

Jul 28th, 2010 | By

Inspired by a conservative website’s project to create a new Bible translation that “eliminates liberal bias” and incorporates “free market meaning,” I have taken another look at the lost years of Jesus. In light of free market meaning, I have tried to fill in the gaps.

Tom Colicchio with a Side of Artichoke Hearts

Jul 27th, 2010 | By

Top Chef is taking place in DC this year – since that’s your backyard, have you been following it closely and who do you think should win? You are absolutely correct to think that this season’s Top Chef being set in Washington D.C. is simply orgasmic because eventually we’ll get to see head-judge and co-host,

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Commute to Oblivion

Jul 24th, 2010 | By

If you’re like me, you must daydream on your ride to work that this will be the day in which your vehicle of transportation will be hit by an ice cream truck, resulting in a nice day off and melted snow cones for everyone. But that’ll never happen. So you busy yourself with more mundane

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