Archive for May 2010

“HANDS,” by Scot Siegel

May 19th, 2010 | By

Through Windex streaks in her bedroom alcove, I spy boys on skateboards careening, screeching axels off the coping of the curb below the house; boys hurling themselves, inverted, with spaghetti-like arms, macaroni torsos, profanities ripping the autumn air like a flock of hawk-chased crows drunk on ornamental plumbs…


May 14th, 2010 | By

People warn you against looking into the barrel of a gun. But the same rule doesn’t apply to siege engines. Why the hell not?

“Baby Einstein: World Animals – A Retrospective Review,” by Peter Dabbene

May 12th, 2010 | By


Like you, I was once an avid viewer of television and film, but due to the addition of small, loud, highly dependent mini-humans in my household, my viewing habits have changed these last few years. I may not see as much adult-oriented television these days, but I have become something of an expert in the often underappreciated field of children’s entertainment. The recent recall of Baby Einstein products prompted me to sing out in defense of an unrecognized classic in the video entertainment industry, that being Baby Einstein: World Animals.


May 7th, 2010 | By

Ben and Winslow have gone through seven neighbors already. They didn’t move away so much as disappear suddenly overnight.

Ramblings of a Peon

May 6th, 2010 | By

Alison discusses the highlights of her day below: Alison on getting ready for work in the morning: After waking up an hour late – I must have snoozed too many times and my alarm clock was like “F it, sleep all you want.”- I was rushing around to get dressed.  As I put on my

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