Archive for April 2010


Apr 15th, 2010 | By

Our culture has a love-hate relationship with commercials. They run the gamut from catchy to annoying to sexy to meme-tastic. Some however, are just so mind-numbly insipid, that they go down in infamy, and end up on blogs devoted to asinine advertising. Thankfully I have traded in my cable (and lost the cable companies firm

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“To Open A Cupcake Boutique or To Raise Urban Chickens? The Dilemma of So Many.” by Elizabeth Bastos

Apr 14th, 2010 | By

You can’t have a cupcake shop in a coop in the backyard, but you can have chickens.


Apr 9th, 2010 | By

I could make a dozen secondary jokes here, but I won’t, because all of them will be off-color and will involve a phallus in some way. And there might be children around.

“Here are a few signs of andropause, or male menopause…” by Louis B. Shalako

Apr 7th, 2010 | By

You know you’re getting old when you wake up one day and you have no hair on your feet. One of the very first signs of aging is when you come home and find fifty pink flamingoes on your lawn, and you’re not even Italian. When you go to write a singles ad, and all you can come up with is, “Man with no future seeks woman with no past.”

You are old.

Purple Pigment

Apr 2nd, 2010 | By

The dude next to Winslow seriously has no clue. No. Clue. Everyone else in the neighborhood learned this lesson a long time ago.