Posts Tagged ‘ Martin H. Levinson ’

“Dickens’ Famous Opening Sentence from A Tale of Two Cities written by a Woke Millennial,” by Martin H. Levinson

Nov 6th, 2019 | By

It was sort of the best of times, it was kind of the worst of times, it was like the age of wisdom, it appeared to be the age of foolishness, it seemed the epoch of belief, it seemed meh with respect to incredulity…

“Horoscope Predictions For The Goddesses That You Are,” by Martin H. Levinson

Feb 10th, 2016 | By

Capricorn Dec. 22—Jan. 19

Next week you’ll meet the man of your dreams at the deli counter in the supermarket. He’ll be wearing a white uniform and a papier-mâché hat and he will ask you if you want your bologna sliced thin. Smile demurely and ask him what he would recommend to people who like average-sized sandwiches. If he says, “I don’t give advice on matters like that, I just cut the meat the way the customer tells me to” he’s the wrong fellow. It’s the chap next to him who’s the man of your dreams.