Archive for October 2014

“Apologies to Cezanne,” by Andy Koopmans

Oct 5th, 2014 | By

It’s Sunday, everyone. Let’s appreciated some art.

Return of the Button

Oct 3rd, 2014 | By

Remember all those times Winslow found a mysterious button in his house, and then he pressed it, and amazing things happened? Well, the button has returned, and it has clearly been programmed with some sort of of temptation algorithm that modifies itself based on whoever is nearby!

“How to Wash a Motorcycle: a Husband’s Guide,” by Jennifer D. Munro

Oct 1st, 2014 | By

Wait for the one sunny day per year in Seattle. The lawn also needs mowing, but the bike is more time-sensitive, because you must dry it thoroughly before it gets wet again.