Archive for October 2010


Oct 29th, 2010 | By

Halloween is just around the corner, so I guess it’s time for a Halloween-themed comic this week.

What You Need To Know About PPS

Oct 26th, 2010 | By

Is playing volleyball acceptable for men? My friend used to make fun of me because I did spinning classes every now and then and he called me “girly” so I decided to make fun of him because he played rec volleyball. I consider volleyball a girl’s sport, like synchronized swimming. I do girly athletic things

[continue reading…]

Organ Grinder Vest

Oct 22nd, 2010 | By

Full confession: My mom had a red vest that looked suspiciously like the ones worn by organ grinder monkeys. I thought it was the greatest single article of clothing ever. I used to wear it around the house, pretending I was an organ grinder monkey while a never-ending cycle of make-believe barrel organ music tooted and oom-paa’d in my head.

“A Very Special In-flight Safety Presentation,” by Mark Rooke

Oct 20th, 2010 | By

Good morning, and welcome aboard Jetsky Airways flight 1015 to Seattle. We’ll be taking off momentarily, so at this time we ask you to disable and stow all electronic devices. Please keep in mind that cell phones may not be used on board the plane at any time. If you have a cell phone, it is to remain in your baggage, unused and alone, waiting for you to return, fighting feelings of resentment while still wondering if you’ll ever love it the same way you used to.

Name Tagged

Oct 15th, 2010 | By

I’ve slept through a lot of things, but I don’t know if I could sleep through this. I’m thinking Winslow must have used some powerful drugs, which makes me wonder 1.) where he got them and 2.) where he was storing them, since his bedroom burned down last week. I don’t question how he got them. As usual, the assisting criminal element here was probably tiny clowns.