Posts Tagged ‘ V.V ’

“You say ‘New Atheism,’ I say ‘Atheist Chic.’ Let’s call the Christians fools.” by Michael Frissore

Mar 20th, 2008 | By

The world has seen a lot of chics over the years: casual chic, beach chic, The Iron Chic. Until recently my all-time favorite was easily heroin chic, popularized in the 90s by English supermodel and superwaif Kate Moss. But when Los Angeles Times writer Dan Neil coined the phrase “atheist chic” to better describe what

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“Part I of Document B of the CheesE Blocks,” by AE Reiff

Mar 20th, 2008 | By

Document B attempts to reconstruct the original facsimile in language questionable at some points not only from the dialect, but because the ink was smeared in the transmission requiring a best guess at its meaning. The Martian stones originally were kept from view because they compromise widely held beliefs of space and government. “Widely” here

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“Taking Charge of your Child’s Education: What He Really Needs to know about Roswell, The Bermuda Triangle, and the Abominable Snowman,” by John Homans

Mar 20th, 2008 | By

It’s about time we face up to the facts. Test scores for children are at an all-time low. The days of relying on the school system to provide the education are children so desperately need are long gone. It’s time we take matters into our own hands and teach our children what they need to

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“Making The Switch,” by George Sparling

Mar 20th, 2008 | By

I left my wife and was now was a desperate stranger in another town. Without a job, knowing no one, having no contacts, and without hope of acquiring skills, I sat alone in a skuzzy bar, sipping watery beer. No microbrew shit for me, a guy who’d taken philosophy courses in the same college as

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“An Open Letter to My Former Master in the Human Pets Application on Facebook,” by Dawn Corrigan

Mar 20th, 2008 | By

Dear Ex-Master,   I wanted to drop a line to say thanks for the kibble. Also, to explain why my Human Pets account has been removed from Facebook as of last Tuesday. Sorry I disappeared on you, like a dog that just can’t help wiggling under the fence.   In retrospect it seems sort of

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