Posts Tagged ‘ VI.X ’

Defenestration: August 2009

Aug 20th, 2009 | By

Welcome to the August 2009 issue of Defenestration, which is also our fantasy-themed issue. I’m pretty happy we were able to do this one; it’s one thing to be a magazine that publishes nothing but humor, but when you narrow the focus even further, you’re never quite sure what you’re going to get! In this

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“Hellbend for Leather,” Jude-Marie Green

Aug 20th, 2009 | By

My business card reads “Russell Light, Impresario to Hell.” I hand it out to acts with potential and we do business at Flames Bar & Grill. I like the décor here: deep booths upholstered in maroon leather, flocked red velvet wallpaper, chromed barstools. Pete the bartender keeps the lighting low and moody. My clients like the

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“(S)tresses,” by Christi Krug

Aug 20th, 2009 | By

A high tower rose in the craggy wilderness, a vision in the night, a shadowy glove pointing at the sky with a bony, accusing finger.   Like that, or a guy with really bad arthritis. Closer, one could see figures. Two figures. One figure with a figure, and one that was shaped more like a splinter.

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“Wednesday’s Promenade,” by Mary Baader Kaley

Aug 20th, 2009 | By

A wizzard, a bird, a pig. On a stroll yesterday with Henry and Fredrick, I told Fredrick, my parrot, to be sure to straighten his language a bit. His profanity was altogether embarrassing, though many marveled at his flair – – he could verbally outfox anyone with his erudite vocabulary peppered with competently placed cursing.

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“Reverse Metamorphosis,” by Bill Waters

Aug 20th, 2009 | By

One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible insect. –Franz Kafka, “The Metamorphosis” One night, when Grgrsmszzz woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his sleeping place into a horrible human the size of a bug–life inside the kitchen wall would never

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