Welcome to the August 2009 issue of Defenestration, which is also our fantasy-themed issue. I’m pretty happy we were able to do this one; it’s one thing to be a magazine that publishes nothing but humor, but when you narrow the focus even further, you’re never quite sure what you’re going to get!
In this case, we got humorous fantasy. Who knew?
Many of you had problems viewing our July issue. There was some strange, Twilight Zone-type crap going on, but the problem has been solved, so no worries.
And some more important news: our September issue is filled, our October issue will soon be filled, and our November and December science-fiction issues are filling up nicely. We are officially stuffed. As of today, August 20th 2009, we are no longer accepting regular submissions unless they are science fiction! If you submitted a non-science fiction piece to us before that date, you’re safe. We’ll be sending out acceptances/rejections soon. Regular submissions will resume December 15th, 2009.
Anyway. Enough business. On with the pleasure! This month features eight stories by authors Bill Waters, Christi Krug, Mary Baader Kaley, Jude-Marie Green, Christopher Jacobsmeyer, Glen Batchelor, and Errid Farland, as well as two poems by Ann Howells. And if you didn’t catch Genevieve Valentine’s latest “Abridged Classics,” check that out, too. Enjoy!
—Andrew Kaye, editor-in-chief