Posts Tagged ‘ R.D. Ronstad ’

“My New Abundance of Caution Lifestyle (Because You Can Never Be Too Careful),” by R.D. Ronstad

Jul 28th, 2021 | By

A phrase has been frequently popping up in the media and on signs in establishments recently that I’d never heard before: “out of an abundance of caution.” It most commonly appears, of course, in reference to mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic, though I have also seen it used in military contexts such as the holding back of 12 National Guardsmen from inauguration day duty.

“Exclamation Mark Retires: An Interview,” by R.D. Ronstad

Jan 1st, 2020 | By

Voiceover: Today on a special edition of the Chet Chatterton Show on RealNews Radio, we present an exclusive interview with Exclamation Mark, here to discuss the shocking news, reported on air by RealNews Radio yesterday morning, that Exclamation Mark is withdrawing from public service, ending a career spanning more than 500 years. We join Chet and Exclamation Mark in the studio.

“Jeffrey and the Runaway Sock (Not a Children’s Story),” by R.D. Ronstad

Apr 24th, 2019 | By

Editor’s note: In the profile of Jeffrey Banks we ran in the July issue of It’s Clothing Time, we learned, not surprisingly, that Mr. Banks elicits a variety of responses from shoppers as he travels the country visiting chain store men’s departments spreading his message calling for a better life for socks. He’s been labeled as many things during these visits: a comedian, a charlatan, a nut, a loser desperate for attention, a forward thinker, a visionary. E-mails we received after running the profile contained similar responses.

“I Am The Piano,” by R.D. Ronstad

Feb 27th, 2019 | By

I wanted to learn one song on the piano. A single song from beginning to end, no slip-ups. Why? Because it was there—like Mount Everest was for George Mallory. The moment I laid eyes on my nephew’s new Yamaha Clavinova CLP-625, I knew exactly what George meant.