Two Poems by Neil Fulwood
Dec 20th, 2014 | By DefenestrationHow to write a villanelle
Think of yourself as a DJ remixing a sample.
Try to find a rhyme scheme that won’t get grotesque.
This particular piece is a bad example.
How to write a villanelle
Think of yourself as a DJ remixing a sample.
Try to find a rhyme scheme that won’t get grotesque.
This particular piece is a bad example.
The world is the size of an index card now,
accessible all at one touch.
I never did love the knife.
Just once I felt his dull
serrations. It wasn’t his fault.
He didn’t intend to cut me.
But after that, his very weight
against me made me cringe.
Twenty-two firefighters labored to deliver you,
yours a different kind of fire.
Here, eat this fucking sandwich
that I had originally intended to make
for myself but later realized
was no good for me