Posts Tagged ‘ Juliana Gray ’

“Sex With My Girlfriend Is Even Hotter When I’m Not There,” by Juliana Gray

Apr 29th, 2015 | By

I know what you’re thinking: hey, Stephen, you’ve been with your girlfriend for about seven months now, and even though you talk about her all the time, I bet the sex is starting to cool off. Sure, I’ve heard that old cliché about relationships—the beginning is steamy and adventurous, then settles into routine. So I can imagine why you’d think that about me and Kristi.

“Take It From Me, Phil Was So Much More Than Shark Movies,” by Juliana Gray

Apr 16th, 2014 | By

It’s my honor to speak in memory of our departed friend Phil Anderson today. When most of you think of Phil’s work for the SyFy Channel over the years, you probably think of his shark movies, like Vampire Sharks and Sharks on a Plane. But take it from me, Phil was so much more than shark movies.