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Fiction XVIII.I ’
Apr 20th, 2021 |
By Defenestration
Jeremy chugged a can of Shake & Wake Soda. He’d been up for two days straight making a new video for his YouTube channel. A yawn morphed into a surprise belch that brought tears to his eyes. He shook his head and hit the upload button. This chainsaw stunt video was a masterpiece of editing, blending top-notch graphics with his favorite guitar riffs.
Posted in Fiction, Prose |
Comments Off on “Q. Can I Hunt Underwater Zombies with Your New Chainsaw, And If Not, Does the Warranty Cover Water Damage?” by Myna Chang
Tags: Fiction, Fiction XVIII.I, Myna Chang, Prose, XVIII.I
Apr 20th, 2021 |
By Defenestration
When I read Talons of the Night at first I thought I would like it because I am a fan of human/intelligent eagle erotic fan fiction and I thought this would be an example of that because of the title and because of the cover art which depicted a very curvaceous and lovely woman in a painting having an intimate encounter with a swan which although it is not an eagle which is what I find most exciting, is pretty close.
Posted in Fiction, Prose |
Comments Off on “Five Stars,” by Eric Kaplan
Tags: Eric Kaplan, Fiction, Fiction XVIII.I, Prose, XVIII.I
Apr 20th, 2021 |
By Defenestration
Lola Brandy Hicks made her wobbly way down the baking, summer sidewalk hell-bent on the bar she could see two copies of 100 feet ahead. People were staring but Lola told herself she didn’t give a shit. She was used to this kind of attention and figured she knew what it was about. She was funny looking, as more than one slurring, anonymous suitor had pointed out.
Posted in Fiction, Prose |
Comments Off on “Lola Gets Sober,” by Stephanie Gibbon
Tags: Fiction, Fiction XVIII.I, Prose, Stephanie Gibbon, XVIII.I
Apr 20th, 2021 |
By Defenestration
Six months ago, God met with his financial advisor, who chastised Him for all His poor investments throughout the millennia: plagues, mass floods, feeding people to lions, Enron. God asked if there was any maneuvering He could do to avoid filing for Chapter 11. His financial advisor pressed his hands together and replied: “pray.”
Posted in Fiction |
Comments Off on “The Father, The Son, and The Hardware Store,” by Will Musgrove
Tags: Fiction, Fiction XVIII.I, Prose, Will Musgrove, XVIII.I
Apr 20th, 2021 |
By Defenestration
So, this is what it’s like to breathe in hell.
Posted in Fiction, Prose |
Comments Off on “Camouflage,” by Lisa Fox
Tags: Fiction, Fiction XVIII.I, Lisa Fox, Prose, XVIII.I