Welcome, welcome, to the April 2015 issue of Defenestration, marking our 12th volume in this ridiculously long-running magazine of ridiculousness!
I’m not going to write a particularly long editorial this month because my computer is on its deathbed and doesn’t like to run for more than 20 minutes at a time before freezing up or crashing. You can’t trust technology, but you also can’t live without it. Or you at least can’t convince yourself that you can’t live without it. There’s a powerful message hidden in there, but I’m too lazy to find it. I’ll just be content with rushing through this editorial before the computer explodes. Can I write two more paragraphs? Read on and find out!
Short stories! And poetry! That’s what we have for you this month. What can you expect to find within our virtual pages? Superheroes, probably. And also Lucifer, and a troll, and a witch, and an entire story about cheese. So expect some fantasy and some science fiction and some stuff that doesn’t fit into either of those categories (which is fine, because we’re not a fantasy or a science fiction magazine).
Anyway, I hope you ignore my ramblings and enjoy the issue. We’re now open to short story and poetry submissions as we read for our August 2015 issue!
—Andrew Kaye, Editor-in-Chief
Nancy A. Henry, Two Poems
Michael Estabrook, Two Poems
Nancy Gauquier, “I Am Not A People Person”
Larry O. Dean, “Road May Be Icy”
Short Stories:
Chris D’Silva, “The Dark Avenger”
Daniel North Spooner, “Chad Faustus Interviews Lucifer for the Community Manager Position”
Eirik Gumeny, “A Living Fart from the Butt of a Lesser God”
Robin Wyatt Dunn, “Cheese in Space”
Linda Lowe, “The Doctor, the Lawyer, the Indian Chef”
Jeremiah Budin, “Childhood”
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