Archive for May 2014

“Beyond Paleo: Time Travel Adventures in Weight Loss,” by Katie Burgess

May 7th, 2014 | By

Millions love the Paleo or “Cave Man” Diet. Early humans lived in sync with nature, and so they were healthier, remaining free from cancer, heart disease, and obesity until dying in their thirties from predation or childbirth. For that great beach body, you can’t go wrong eating the same cauliflower bisques and gluten-free cookies as our hunter-gatherer ancestors. But why limit yourself to one time period? History provides us with an exciting array of dieting options.

In Rod We Trust

May 2nd, 2014 | By

We need more superheroes that become superheroes because they actively tried to become superheroes. Brave men and women that purposefully bombard themselves with gamma rays, radioactive spiders, the X gene, and/or the Power Cosmic. Winslow’s method might seem a little crude by comparison, but we have to applaud his moxie.