Archive for August 2012

A Foe Most Monstrous

Aug 3rd, 2012 | By

Another important rule for questing is having the right tool for the right job. Winslow is obviously some sort of fighter/warrior/berserker-type so axes are clearly going to be his thing. He has dozens in his collection, but I don’t think he’s ever come upon a monster so horrible that it required him to break out… Salma.

“The Sticker Club,” by Erin Clune

Aug 1st, 2012 | By

Dear (friend):

Do you love stickers? Don’t you wish you had more? How about bigger stickers? Or fuzzier ones? Are you one of those kids who has to earn stickers by doing menial chores around the house—like practicing piano, cleaning your room, or thanking your parents for almost everything they do? When did parents turn stickers from an innocent childhood pastime into a tool of extortion and bribery?