Archive for January 2011

Previously on Ben & Winslow….

Jan 7th, 2011 | By

I wanted to create a strip that gives a “recap” of what’s happened in all the “episodes” so far, without using anything that actually happened in any strips from last year. The result reads like a series of clips from a single, seemingly continuous story that, in actuality, makes very little sense.

“….Say the Darndest Things; Pitch.” by Scott Oglesby

Jan 5th, 2011 | By

Dear CBS:

You’re probably wondering why there are numerous dots instead of a noun at the beginning of the title. It’s because I couldn’t think of a catchy, yet comprehensive name for this. I was originally going to call it ‘Kids Say the Darndest Things, Still’ but the world has apparently changed. It seems a middle aged man with a tape recorder and a camera can’t just ‘borrow’ children off the street without all sorts of kerfuffle and pepper spray. In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have tried to use that van for interviewing the tots. America, sadly, has lost its innocence.

Accept Your Failure with Motivational Kitten Posters

Jan 3rd, 2011 | By

You’ve been working a few years (or a few decades) at your job (aka Slavery Incorporated) and, like me, you have yet to decorate the prison cell your boss keeps telling you is your cubicle. Like Bernie Madoff, it’s time to resign to your fate, bend over and take out some knick-knacks to make your

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