Archive for March 2010

“E-Letter to the President from the Former President Re: Space Olympics,” by CJ Hallman

Mar 31st, 2010 | By

Dear B.,

Howdy, amigo, from Crawford, TX. I know you’re busy, which is why I’m writin you this letter and havin Laura scan it into the computer so I can send it by email, and then you can read it on your Blackberrypod while you’re takin a cigarette break or catchin your breath between basketball games or I don’t know. But however it gets there, I hope it gets there if it can (This Reader’s Digest compilation CD of great love songs that Laura sent away for just came in. LOVE it.) And, also, too, I hope this reaches you in well health. Seems like I’ve been hearin a lot about you and health in the news lately. I worry about you, B.

A Commandment or Whatever

Mar 26th, 2010 | By

I honestly have no idea what Winslow’s stealing in this comic. I tried to make it as ambiguous as possible. That object on the left side of the panel could be a shelf, it could be a safe… who knows? If the artist doesn’t have a clue, the rest of you are completely in the dark.

I hope I did Moses justice here.

“I Will Assist Your Face Off,” by Liz Fischer

Mar 24th, 2010 | By

Dear Employer,

As your new marketing assistant, I just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity and… get ready for some face-melting assisting!!

George Lucas and His Green Screen of Death

Mar 23rd, 2010 | By

If the movie Avatar was so awesome, then why didn’t it win the Best Picture Oscar? I’ll admit it.  No, I did not bother seeing Avatar.  I know, I know – I’m usually a firm believer in the rule: if you don’t see it/read it/experience it, you shouldn’t judge it.  Usually.  But there are special cases when this rule

[continue reading…]


Mar 19th, 2010 | By

Sometimes the funniest comics are the ones based on real conversations. This is one of those comics.