Posts Tagged ‘ V.VII ’

Defenestration: May 2008

May 20th, 2008 | By

My, my, how the time does fly. Could this really be the May 2008 issue of Defenestration? It very well could be. Unless I’m lying. Which I’m not. Unless I’m lying. The one thing I never agonize over regarding this magazine is the editorial. I almost always write them at the last minute. Inspiration comes

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“The Test,” by Jesse Weiner

May 20th, 2008 | By

a woman is a test with all the questions hidden. If you don’t know all the answers you fail. ———— Jesse Weiner is a poet who does things. With words.

“The Young Emily Dickinson’s Letter Home from Summer Camp,” by Marianne Hess

May 20th, 2008 | By

Because I would not stop for Crafts The Counselor yelled at me I think that She is quite an Ass And Stupid probably. This whole damn thing   Is such a waste And I am forced to play When all I’d really rather do Is Get the Hell Away I drained the Pool, where Children dove

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2 Poems by CL Bledsoe

May 20th, 2008 | By

A Bar Lorca, Dickinson, and Neruda walk into a pub. It’s a pub we’ve all seen before, full of darkness and smoke and complaining. Neruda sits at the bar; Lorca chooses a booth. Dickinson stands by the bathroom, begging for change for the juke box. A fight breaks out, a dark fight. Neruda has been

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“URGENT AND CONFIDENTIAL BULLETIN: New Guidelines for what to do if you encounter a UFO,” by Mike Romeling

May 20th, 2008 | By

As we all know, UFO is short for Undead Ferocious Otters. You may see them in many places but usually not in beauty parlors. In fact, many women frequent beauty parlors primarily to reduce their risk of encountering Undead Ferocious Otters and to smoke cigarettes. Nobody bothers you about smoking when you’ve got curlers sticking

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