Posts Tagged ‘ IV.XI ’

Defenestration: September 2007

Sep 20th, 2007 | By

Avast me hearties, and welcome to th’ September 2007 issue of that scurvy rag Defenestration! Here at Defenestration HQ, Talk Like A Pirate Day doesn’t end on September 19th. We start talking like pirates, two thirds of the crew gets drunk on Eileen’s special “Irish Rum Recipe #35, Specifically For Pirates,” and the rest of

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“thirteen things to do while waiting for your lover,” by Michaela A. Gabriel

Sep 20th, 2007 | By

assume a new identity every quarter hour: be saintly, paranoid, the lonely owner of a cat. butter a slice of bread on both sides. drop it. frown at the result and repeat your experiment seventeen times; take notes for posterity. sing a song he doesn’t like. gather dust balls and put them on a shelf

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2 Poems by Tony Zurlo

Sep 20th, 2007 | By

My name is Nameless and I am a googleholic My friends said I needed intervention, that unaided ungoogling is unbearable, suggested Googleholics Anonymous (GA). (I had to google to find one, though) The GA director said googling is incurable, that once a googleholic always a googleholic, that it was predestined and permanent. (I googled all

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“Caffeine,” by Eirik Gumeny

Sep 20th, 2007 | By

I’ve found that at this point in the evening my train of thought tends to be an empty passenger locomotive dangerously  low on  fuel, more inclined than not to derail  under a slight breeze, and running  along rusted-out tracks held together with duct tape and a prayer. The  engineer is passed out cold and  the conductor’s under the delusion that he

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“This Better Be The Final Fantasy,” by Ian Blakeman

Sep 20th, 2007 | By

Presenting: The Defenestrati, a crowd-created Defenestration comic.