Posts Tagged ‘ Carla Sarett ’

“once patriarchy exhausted after centuries,” by Carla Sarett

Aug 20th, 2021 | By

once never future husbands grilled
burgers and explained internal combustion,
while stroking red and black Craftsman drills
and popping Viagra and statins.

Two Poems by Carla Sarett

Aug 20th, 2020 | By

In Vero Beach, the old gigolos wear plaid and khakis,
they drive SUVS, they recycle,
they say thank you and please,
really they are such nice guys
until the scam’s done.

“Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright,” by Carla Sarett

Feb 21st, 2018 | By

We at Architects for You! want to thank you for your continued faith in our firm, despite recent events which, we want to stress, were completely unanticipated. Your new house, and your satisfaction with it, are of paramount importance to us. We at AFY! value each and every customer! You’re the reason we get up every day!