

Sep 29th, 2012 | By

And now for the next round of Strong Female Characters Battle Royale! We started off with eight fabulous contenders and are now down to the final four. But first, a little recap on our ladies.

We Took Grandpa to Go Live On a Farm

Sep 17th, 2012 | By

I’m certain being a parent isn’t easy. I myself am anxious for the day when I cross into the realm of fatherhood and have to explain to authorities why my six year old is repaving the driveway, and why an infant is doing some light roofing. (I’d like to say this would never happen but times could be tough.) Naturally, the main aspect of parenting is being able to keep the little rugrat in check throughout various disciplinary means. The hope being that this sculpts them into a productive member of society so they avoid becoming a forty year old schizo with a freezer full of beheaded cats.


Aug 30th, 2012 | By

In last month’s column, eight fascinating fictional ladies were selected to fight to the pain in the first ever Strong Female Characters (SFC): Battle Royale. This month, the fight begins!

But first, a quick side note. Todd Aiken, your despicable comments about “legitimate rape” has not gone unnoticed. You have been officially added the official SFC Shit List along with other horrible examples of humanity, including but not limited to: Charlie Sheen, Bristol Palin, Daniel Tosh and Dan Cathy.


Jul 30th, 2012 | By

This is one thing that makes me smile. Despite the war on women, we are still a culture that is fascinated with tough old ladies. If art imitates and influences life, then one only needs to look to our novels, theater, movies and television shows to find examples of good old fashion female bad-asses. These

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Ignorance Really Is Bliss

Jul 23rd, 2012 | By

In a world that’s ever changing, it’s good to know that any information we want we can easily get. From the latest celebrity gossip, to world events, and even that small tracking device you embedded in the skin of that cute girl from the Orange Julius–information is streamed to us through our smartphones, tablets, and

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