Archive for October 2019

Kitchen Bootensils

Oct 11th, 2019 | By

I will not apologize for the pun in the title.

“Mike’s Non-Denominational Burger Restaurant,” by Jason Giltner

Oct 9th, 2019 | By

“Welcome to Mike’s Non-Denominational Burger Restaurant. My name is Emma and I am a digital assistant. You can speak to me in full sentences, just like a real person. I have thoughts and opinions, just like a real person. My favorite color is purple. I like the Boston Celtics. I find Wes Anderson to be pretentious. How can I help you today?”

Calm Down, Stephen King

Oct 4th, 2019 | By

Winslow has already proven himself to be an adept writer of fantasy fiction and romance, so it’s about time he try his hand at a little horror.

“An Honest Job Rejection Email,” by Evan Warfel

Oct 2nd, 2019 | By

Dear Applicant,

You are not a fit the Creative Strategist / Thought Leader Associate role you applied for. We’ve also deemed you unfit for general living on planet earth. Fuck you.