Archive for April 2019

Table of Contents for April 2019 Issue

Apr 14th, 2019 | By

New issue coming April 20th, 2019!

“Crapuchin” Would Also Have Been Acceptable

Apr 12th, 2019 | By

As a wise man once said: Sometimes you just feel like drawing a monkey.

“To the Philanthropic Souls Dating Stand-Up Comics,” by Danny Dalah

Apr 10th, 2019 | By

You are the men and women we, the comedic community, need, but do not deserve. Thank you for your endless charitable work and for helping us overcome poverty, depression, and thirst by covering our five dollar IPAs after our performances. With Mother Teresa’s patience, you endure awful open mics in rundown hellholes, where you have forced applause for a terrible sock puppet act, an annoying whiny guitar comic, and your slightly below average significant other’s pun about “holy socks.”

Tooth Buddy

Apr 5th, 2019 | By

Remember that time when I drew a comic about teeth and talked about how uncomfortable it made me? Well, apparently the discomfort wasn’t enough to dissuade me from drawing a second comic about teeth.

“An Open Letter to Kevin Costner Concerning Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves,” by Emily Linstrom

Apr 3rd, 2019 | By

It’s come to my attention that today marks the 27th birthday of the US release of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. Man, time flies like a 300-frames-per-second arrow through an autumnal forest, huh? One of my fondest childhood memories is of sitting in the movie theater with my neighbor and her mom while those Bayeux Tapestry opening credits unfurled to Michael Kamen’s blood-stirring score. And unlike so many 90’s kids who have since broken their allegiance to RH:POT, I remain a devout fan. (Fun fact: I won the role of Maid Marian in my South Carolina middle school production of Robin Hood because the maid I was understudying for had to back out. Kismet, Kevin, kismet.)