Grains of salt. Wadded napkins. A scent of slivered fried potatoes in the air. This former site of dining, this leatherette monument to food-based fellowship remains desolate. But clearly someone dined here. Who were these people? What were they like? Did they pass the ketchup? I like to think that they lived deeply, debating the controversies of their time. But where did they go? What cataclysmic event scattered them? Mustard smears on a Formica tabletop bear mute witness to the passage of an era. Maybe they had hamburgers. Maybe they’re still out in the parking lot. Not much is known and their vanishing remains a mystery…and if they don’t come back, I’m keeping these sunglasses they left behind.
Alexei Kalinchuk says, “I’ve been published in the UK anthology Punk! Punk! and with Foliate Oak, and am almost a Master in the art of Ukrainian Massage. Also, my knowledge of root vegetables has kept me in great demand on the expert witness circuit.”