Defenestration: April 2018

Apr 20th, 2018 | By | Category: Archives, Editorials, Featured

Hey everyone! It’s one of my three favorite times of the year: the times I sit in front of my computer with a newly edited and formatted copy of Defenestration awaiting its release, my only job at that point being to write an editorial. And I never know what to write! I could claim that my perpetual writer’s block is due to the sheer number of these things I’ve been expected to create; 2018 marks the 15th year we’ve been doing this, and I’d much rather you read the short stories and poems instead of whatever I’m cobbling together here.

That being said… 15 years? That boggles the mind. Not because it’s been that long, but because we’re still publishing stuff that doesn’t have a huge presence in the literary community. Eileen, Genevieve, and I started Defenestration because there weren’t many (or any) places to get humor writing published, and while that number has gone up a little, it’s still nowhere near where I’d hope. So thank you for sticking with us for this long and believing in what we do. We hope you think it’s worth it.

This month is pretty packed. Lots of poems in this issue, and you’ll see why we ended up choosing too many. You’ll find robots here, and an invisible man, and not one, but TWO Jesuses. There’s love and there’s romance, and those things aren’t even remotely the same things. And there’s a vending machine in there somewhere, too. Tell him hi from me.

I’ll end things with the usual: We’re now open to short story and poetry submissions. Send your best!

—Andrew Kaye, Editor-in-Chief


Shreya Pabbaraju, Two Poems
Robert Shmigelsky, “Haunted Gameboy”
Carrie L. Clickard, “Falling Apart at the Seams”
Marla Brown Fogelman, “Prom ’65”
Dheepa R. Maturi, “Licking the Page”
Tom Davenport, Two Poems

Short Stories:

Michael Augustine Dondero, “Frequently Asked Questions About Your Robot”
Shelli Cornelison, “Love in the Time of GMOs”
Warren J. Cox, “Discussion and Debate in Hurricane Heaven”
Neil Oatsvall, “Political Jesus”
Edward Turner III, “I am Pretty Sure that I am Invisible”
Sean Fallon, “The Labour of Love”
Natalie Ho, “Don’t Embezzle, Kids”
Wim Hylen, “A Few Words About Gary”

Downloadable Copy:

Defenestration, April 2018

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