Sometimes these months (and even days) sneak up on you, but here we are: the August 2017 issue of Defenestration, the halfway point in our 14th volume, if you can believe it (you can’t). And what do we have for you? Another issue filled with the weird, the absurd, and the hilarious.
We’re going to share it all this month, folks. We’re going to teach you how to cook. We’re going to give you a history lesson. We’re going to party with famous celebrities and famous celebrity pigs and catchy tunes of yesteryear, possibly while famous bands look on in both fear and elation. And that’s just a taste, because actual summaries take time to write, and I don’t want you reading my hastily typed words but the actual issue.
I know this one’s going to be special, because when I asked for the contributors for pictures to go alongside their biographies, one of them put on a ballroom gown and one of them showed me their cat and one of them revealed a pickled alter-ego. And so… onward!
(Also we’re open to fiction and poetry submissions again.)
—Andrew Kaye, Editor-in-Chief
Natalie De Paz, “-141”
Marc DeSantis, “Odysseus, Retired to Florida, at the Mall”
Penny Peyser, “For the Girls”
John Meyers, “List of Bands That Must Stop Making Music and Why”
Alison McBain, “Tinged”
Patrick Ritter, “Light Fuse And Retire Quickly”
Luka Watts, “All Star”
Nicola Davison, “Jillian Michaels Joins My Writing Group”
Fred Coppersmith, “Monster of the Week”
Christina Scott, “Auntie Barb Saves the World”
Wendy Garnier, “Fresh Seawater Lobster”
Laura Garrison, “Ham of Destiny”
Rachel Cassidy, “Immortal”
P.K. Read, “Registry of Intangibles”
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