Putting on thy bra is not an option
When getting dressed to act’ally start the day.
Not doing so will trash a plan’s adoption
And leave one’s girls so aimlessly to sway.
To lift and separate promotes a mental
Alertness, as my mother always said.
Avoiding sagging thoughts is elemental
And will keep progress pointing straight ahead.
‘T is tempting not to fasten hooks and eyes
When lounging in one’s robe seems more ideal
But thwarting gravity always relies
On good support. Ma Nature keeps it real.
I’m all for hanging loose, but let’s be clear—
If thou means business, put on thy brassiere.
Penny Peyser is a writer/actress/documentary filmmaker living in Los Angeles. She’s been going steady with iambic pentameter for some time now and is showing no signs of straying. She recently began a video series called “Sonnets from Suburbia” on YouTube and hopes you’ll check it out. She’s been published in Lighten Up Online, Chantwood Magazine, Rats Ass Review, Blessed Creation, and White Ash Literary Magazine. Follow her if you desire @penpeyser.