Archive for November 2010

“Oh, That Jason!” by Tim Cushing

Nov 17th, 2010 | By

“Oh, That Jason!,” despite airing for only two seasons (1953-54) has nonetheless gained a small cult following over the passing years. Hailed by critics as “horrifying,” “reprehensible” and “relentlessly depraved,” “Oh, That Jason!” was truly groundbreaking television, as evidenced by this list of highlights from its truncated run:

Parking is Serious Business

Nov 16th, 2010 | By

Dear FedEx Field Parking Attendant (or whatever nonsensical title they made up to make you feel good about yourself): On October 17th, a group of friends and I headed down to FedEx Field before the Redskins/Colts game to partake in a little tailgating, as most attending football games do. We arrived fairly early, and proceeded

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One Fish, Two Fish

Nov 12th, 2010 | By

Quention Sadguy is the kind of character that almost demands something cruel to happen to him. And so we have this scenario, reminiscent of A Fish Called Wanda. Personally, I love how nonchalant Winslow can be about… well, everything.

“Daily Schedule of a Homeless Alcoholic Bird Feeder in Paris,” by Scott Oglesby

Nov 10th, 2010 | By

7:15 Wake up refreshed and exuberant, ready to make sweet love to the promising day laid out like a beautiful woman before you. Know that you are gong to earn a pauper’s fortune by persuading ambrosial, flirty, delicate birds to eat out of your hands while allowing tourists to take pictures. You were born for this shit!

Tears for a Tiny Clown

Nov 5th, 2010 | By

This robot wasn’t just filled with tiny clowns. It was powered by them.