Archive for September 2008

“Genesis” and “About Your Bucket'”, by Arlene Ang

Sep 20th, 2008 | By

Genesis On the seventh day, God created ugly underwear. He went bankrupt; Adam and Eve offered each other their bad breath by eating an apple. They kissed for the first time. God did his arithmetic. For reasons of debt, He decided that the first man and first woman could take only two sons outside the

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“Brief History of Horn City”, by Bryson Newhart

Sep 20th, 2008 | By

Landscape By establishing a team of engineers within the city limits, each confined to a mattress surrounded by a high seawall, the mattresses connected by a network of bridges designed to encroach upon individual private properties, allowing the engineers, whenever they were awake, to patrol specific homes and bungalows to ensure compliance with mandatory nature

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“Fly Away,” by Andrew Kaye

Sep 20th, 2008 | By

Presenting: The Defenestrati, a crowd-created Defenestration comic.